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How can we help you?
100 多年来,Welch 为范围广泛的行业和应用提供优质、耐用的真空产品。我们通过独特的最终使用解决方案和创新的 OEM 产品为客户的业务增加价值。下面的页面将为您提供一些提示,告诉您如何通过我们的经验,同时考虑您的需求和预算相关信息,构建您的解决方案。
Welch 为世界各地的无数实验室和设备制造商提供服务。我们为所有应用提供真空解决方案,所以如果您没有找到所需的应用,请联系我们。我们的真空专家很乐意帮助您选择适合您需求的产品。
About Welch Vacuum
Welch is a recognized provider of vacuum pumps, systems, and fittings for industrial, life sciences, and laboratory applications. We design, manufacture, and deliver products meeting the strictest requirements for mission-critical applications, and provide a comprehensive offering of products and great engineering capabilities to fit our customers’ needs.
As a reliable and trusted partner for OEMs, we stand up to the challenge of supplying best-in-class products and solutions on time to manufacturers of equipment in the life sciences, healthcare, and industrial segments.