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Taiwan (ZH)
对于许多使用真空炉的程序,使用无油、标准任务的 WOB-L 活塞泵,或化学任务隔膜真空泵。这些泵可以提供充分真空度来完成这项工作,并且紧凑,轻便,便携。
某些需要样品干燥、烘烤、固化等的真空炉应用要求低于 0.1 torr (0.13 mbar) 的极限真空压力。在这些情况下,真空泵选择的关键因素是泵可达到的极限真空度。Welch Vacuum 针对这种高真空度提供采用无油和油封真空泵技术的真空泵解决方案。您的具体预算要求在决定应该选择哪种类型的抽取技术方面发挥着关键作用。
About Welch Vacuum
Welch is a recognized provider of vacuum pumps, systems, and fittings for industrial, life sciences, and laboratory applications. We design, manufacture, and deliver products meeting the strictest requirements for mission-critical applications, and provide a comprehensive offering of products and great engineering capabilities to fit our customers’ needs.
As a reliable and trusted partner for OEMs, we stand up to the challenge of supplying best-in-class products and solutions on time to manufacturers of equipment in the life sciences, healthcare, and industrial segments.