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China (ZH)
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Oil diffusion pumps from Welch are used to generate a high and ultra-high vacuum up to a pressure range of 5x10-7 mbar with an extremely high pumping speed. Besides single pumps, Welch also offers complete oil diffusion pump systems.
Please note that to operate an oil diffusion pump it is mandatory to connect a backing pump.
About Welch Vacuum
Welch is a recognized provider of vacuum pumps, systems, and fittings for industrial, life sciences, and laboratory applications. We design, manufacture, and deliver products meeting the strictest requirements for mission-critical applications, and provide a comprehensive offering of products and great engineering capabilities to fit our customers’ needs.
As a reliable and trusted partner for OEMs, we stand up to the challenge of supplying best-in-class products and solutions on time to manufacturers of equipment in the life sciences, healthcare, and industrial segments.